Lincoln, Nebraska 68505
February 9, 1971
Excuse this typewriter. I am trying to catch up on my correspondance after being here and there.
Yes, I was interviewed by Dick Cavett — for four hours on end and it was most sucessful. I'll tell you something he said, if you won't accuse me of bragging. In a interview with Arthur Godfrey he stated brazenly that he thought I was the most interesting person he had ever interviewed. I tell you this not because I believe it but because it tells you how Dick Cavett fel els. I would not tell it if I did not know you are my friend.
And I really don't believe it.
It is good to hear how our young lady has developed. She is a sweetheart.
I am very happy to know about your son's continuing success.
Please say especially nice things to the Doctor for me. He and I used to "click" and would still if we could be together. Finally, I rather like you, too!!
John G. Neihardt