Lincoln, Nebraska 68505
February 16, 1973
I am almost glad to know that you were threatened with cancer because it was such a pleasure to know that you weren't. Really, that is the way I feel about it. Just think what it would have been like if you hadn't learned that you were in the clear!
How are you feeling now? Have you had a good checkup recently?
I am working steadily on the second volume of my autobiography and am getting good results. The writing of this book is more difficult than was the case with any of the others. The reason is that I just can't easily read my own writing. However, Mrs. Young has been lending me the use of her eyes. She reads what I write and copies it down in her own legible script whereupon I proceed with corrections by way of getting ready for the typist. The story of the writing of this book is going to be an interesting one, but if I didn't have Mrs. Young's eyes I would have quit trying.
You ask how my books are selling. I must say that the way BLACK ELK SPEAKS has been going all over the country and in Europe amazes me. The first volume of my autobiography, ALL IS BUT A BEGINNING, is also doing remarkably well. It is in the fourth printing and maybe more by now.
Tuesday we will meet the sound truck from Hollywood down at Columbia for the recording of my public recitations. This is being done for the United Artists.
John N.
John G. Neihardt
Do give Nita my kindest thoughts.