Dr. Harley H. Zeigler 308 Parkade Boulevard Columbia, Missouri 65201
Dear Dr. Zeigler:

I am very sorry to say that I cannot possibly be with you on March 3 as I should very much like to be. I take it from your letter that no other date would do and I will therefore send you a description of the Hoop of the World and a description of the Four Quarters of the Universe. This material along with Black Elk's prayer should serve your purpose.

Believe me I am very sorry to be unable to be with you.

With all kind thoughts for yourself and your students who would care to hear from me,

John G. Neihardt

In presenting this material to the class you should first make a circle on a blackboard indicating the colors of the four quarters — blue for the west, white for the north, red for the east and yellow for the south. On this diagram should be placed the two roads. The black road beginning in the east where the days of man begin and ending in the west where the days of man end. And there should be a red road beginning in the south where the power to grow is (for one must grow to become spiritual) and from the south the red road goes straight north across the Hoop of the World to the region of white hairs and the cold of death and where the good red road of spiritual understanding crosses the black road of worldly difficulties at the center of the Hoop, that place is holy and there springs the Tree of Life; and it shall fill with leaves and bloom and singing birds and shield the people.

When you are explaining the meaning of the colors at the quarters be sure to point out how the power of the east is the power of light and understanding and the power of peace that comes only from understanding.

I take it that you will be presenting this to a class. If you want to ask me any questions I wish that you would do so and I will gladly answer.
