Dear Lucile:

I've worried about my last letter to you. I recall that I was feeling exuberant, and I fear I overdid myself. I remarked that your silence "made me sick". Of course I was only being clumsily playful! Things are booming in our business, and I rejoice when I think of your fine book ready to charge into the fray at the [tactical?] moment. (See! I'm feeling exuberant again).

Hilda sent Gail (her secretary) up to Lincoln last week to have me sign several contracts, and a week ago we signed a contract with Barrie & Jenkins of London. We have just sold a moviean option for Jed Smith. I do hope something will will come of it. What a movie it would make Sooner or later we'll have a movie — quite [possibly?] two, as Black Elk [looks?] very promising.

I'm fighting bad eyes, so bad that I'm hindered in writing. Tomorrow we will go to an eye clinic in Omaha. We hope there may be some sort of [rinses?] that will help [me in?] writing and reading what I write.

But, really, what I want to know is who will publish your BOOK! Surely the two books now about to appear should help you. "All is But a Beginning" will appear in October. Pocket Book Mass mass edition is due in April

Wow! Arf! Arf! I love you'ns in the same old way — "You'ns" is in dual number, of course.

John Neihardt


Dr. Lucile Aly, 1138 — 22nd Ave., East Eugene, Oregon. 97403