Lincoln, Nebraska 68505
April 25, 1972
It was a joy to receive your letter and it is good to know that my former letters did not offend you — which of course they wouldn't. It is very exciting to know of the distribution of BLACK ELK SPEAKS and I suppose other books of mine out there around Eugene and the University. I heard from Dick Cavett to the effect that "everybody in New York is talking about Neihardt." Of course they aren't, but evidently Cavett meant to let me know that my books were being talked about back there. It is evident that the thing we call fame, when it lasts, and notriety , when it doesn't last, is abroad in the land and it is likely to last quite a while. I want it to last long enough and be intense enough to get a good commerical publisher for your biography and to take over my book in hardback editions.
Did I tell you about Barrie and Jenkins of London? They will be bringing out BLACK ELK in a hardback.
I am really quite hopeful about the boyhood and youth section of the autobiography. It really reads well and its interest holds up. I have heard various parts of it read at various times and it always took hold of me.
I am working as well as I may on the adult section of the autobiography which will be a collection of recollections illuminating the high spots of my life. Some of it has been lots of fun to write. Right now I am under the weather with a serious attack of hay fever, which kept me in the hospital for 11 days. This last week when I was flat on my back in the hospital I actually got up and gave a program at St. Paul's Methodist Church and then went back to bed no worse for the wear but feeling rather raggy. This last Sunday I gave an affair at the Nebraska City centennial celebration of Arbor Day, reciting from the Song of the Messiah the description of the spirit world and the Tree of Life. At both of these affairs I had enough reserve energy to coax standing ovations from the crowds, which was a satisfaction for me, of course.
I am wondering when I will see you again. Surely our book business will bring us together.
I am going down to Columbia the next few days to work with Hilda and Gail on the galley proof of the autobiography.
The book is being dedicated to my grandchildren and great grandchildren. The total of such grand and great grandchildren seems to be 14, which is doing well for one of my age.
John Gaki
John G. Neihardt