Lincoln, Neb.
_____ Tuesday A. M.
Your reply to my importunate letter of several days ago came in record time! — Practically instantaneous! I do hope my rude protest did not offend you. I do hope it hurt enough to make you more thoughtful of this poor old man who has so few pleasures, but sits around drooling and whispering.
No, I was happy to hear from you, and it's good news that you are trying the Mo. University Press. There is quite a tradition there, I gather from recent letters. Still, it may be that the popularity of Black Elk may create a demand in the commercial publishing world world. Simon & Shuster
certainly put up some real money in advance if royalties — $20,000! Surely something has been happening.
I'm champing the bit over Harcourt Brace and the final chapter I turned in last week. All who have read or heard the chapter are quite vociferous about it. (Did you notice the big words I have used in this letter ? And And I don't charge
anything extra for them. I'll bet you ran for the Dictionary! I'm beginning again on the adult section of the Autobiography. It will be almost wholly made up of episodes. "Not a dull a dull moment."
Just, We have just now seen the new bust of me. Very nice! There are five busts now — or is it six?
of the
We are eager to hear from the London publisher — Barry and Jenkins. They had a 3-weeks [option.?]
John Neihardt
with Dick Cavett's Introduction, may induce some big commercial publisher. to Why not Simon & Shuster
(owners of Pocket Book) or Harcourt Brace Jovanovich? I feel pretty sure that Harcourt will be happy with the Autobiography in the Fall.
There is, however, a big revival of Neihardt at M. U. My TV course is bigger than ever, and students clamoring for admission. At present there is room for only 250 and the rooms are crowded.
I've recently heard the English Dept. at the University of Nebraska is planning a Neihardt Memorial — either [one?] on the campus, or perhaps a scholarship. in the English Dept.
There is some thought of a scholarship.
Hilda has just phoned me saying she has received the Contract with Barrie
and Jenkins of London. Its for a hard-back British edition and a paper back. This will include Canada. as well as
People are going to like the Autobiography
I'm getting set for the Adult section of the book. Already I have a number of Episodes — some of my best work.
I'm sure you will not not let anybody sell your Book short. It's a heluva good book, and you should be a bit proud, and maybe somewhat haughty about it.
John N. Gaki