Lincoln, Nebraska 68505
September 13, 1972
I received your fine letter just a few hours ago and I am delighted to hear from you again after all these months and years. I have thought of you so many times and wished that I could talk with you, for our outlooks on life are the same.
I was greatly disappointed when the accident made it impossible to go to India as planned. I had looked forward to that eagerly, for I felt that the likeness between Sioux and Indian mysticism was striking.
I am very glad to know of your work and that you will have an article in the next edition of Britanica Be sure I am looking forward to it. You mention several items that you have sent to me and I am awaiting them eagerly, too.
Things have been booming for me in my work. I suppose you heard of the Dick Cavett show in which I was featured. I suppose this is the television show you had in mind. The effect of that broadcast on the American public was tremendous and the public response was greater to that program than to any the broadcasting company had ever put on the air. I don't take credit for this for I believe that the mood of the time made all the difference and my book BLACK ELK SPEAKS had to wait 40 years before the public would accept it. BLACK ELK SPEAKS is of course mostly mysticism and I suppose you have seen it. If not, I must send you a copy. The book was published recently in the Pocket Book Series by Simon and Schuster of New York. The first edition of 200,000 copies was put on the market the first week of April and by May 5th 50,000 had been sold in addition to the 200,000. That was six months ago and meanwhile the book has made best seller list. Recently I received a check for $11,000 in payment of royalty due me from the University of Nebraska Press. This represents the sale 122,000 copies in less than a year by the University of Nebraska Press. I have no idea yet of what the sales of the Pocket Book series by Simon and Schuster must be by now but the total must be tremendous and the astonishing thing is that the book's message is spiritual.
Your first volume of my autobiography entitled "All is But a Beginning" is scheduled for publication by Harcourt Brace Jovanovich on October 4. We have just received a few pre-publication copies. It's a lovely book. I have entered your name on the list of those who will receive complimentary copies but at present I do not have a clear address, as you note from the way I have used the address on your letter. It's a strange thing, that your writing should be so clear and yet here we are unable to read it with certainty. Please print it out in larger type.
I am working on the second (adult) volume of my autobiography. These books are complete in themselves. The first one deals with my boyhood and youth. The second with my adulthood.
We must not lose each other for we are close in thought and feeling. I shall look forward to another letter from you soon.