Dr. Sisirkumar Ghose Santiniketan West Bengal: INDIA
Dear Dr. Ghose:

In your recent letters you spoke of certain publications of yours that you were sending to me. Nothing has arrived as yet and I am wondering if I am likely to hear from you again soon. Naturally I am very eager to receive whatever you might send to me.

Since I wrote you last, Miss Katie Kelly visited here for three days, interviewing me for an article in the Saturday Review of the Arts. She left here for Greece, and I have had a card from her saying that she stood on the Acropolis and chanted my poetry to the wind! What a pity that you two could not have met on that trip.

I think you have not seen my latest book, ALL IS BUT A BEGINNING. I am mailing you a copy today. Recently Governor Exon of the state of Nebraska sent a complimentary copy to President Richard Nixon, and I received a gracious letter from the President about the book.

With all kindest thoughts, your friend

John G. Neihardt