Lincoln, Nebraska 68505
November 15, 1972
I am grateful to you for sending me the book on Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain. I have read just enough in it to know that it is very important. Many of the earlier phenomena I know well and I believe I have come near to knowing something about the "holy light" discussed in section 16 of the book. I have not read it all yet but I am looking forward to it eagerly. You mentioned that I have spoken to you about this light in my own experience. One of the chapters in the second volume of my autobiography describes an experience I had with this light. Mine, however, was not concerned with the human body in any way but only with the light of shrubs and trees.
We have just read the chapter aloud and it seems to me very beautiful.
Yes, you may keep your copy of the President's letter.
I am working on the second volume against some difficulties. My eyes just don't serve me very well. However, Myrtle loans me her eyes now and then and in that way I think I can finish the book.
It will be good to see you when you get up this way.
John G. Neihardt
Have you seen the ETV magazine Choice for November? If not, Myrtle will send you one. I want to mention that in my experience with the mysterious light came to me many years ago when I was living in Bancroft. I had not read anything about it and I don't think many people know about it.