Lincoln, Nebraska 68505
November 28, 1972
It was truly a happy surprise to receive your note acknowledging receipt of my latest book. It seems that it has been years and years since you and I communicated, but I have often thought of you.
I have done a number of things for Nebraska ETV here and it is possible that you have seen some of them. Have you seen the new Nebraska Telecommunications Building? I do hope that Missouri may have as good a one before too long. It is so greatly needed there.
Mrs. Young, who attends to my secretarial affairs, is sending you a copy of our ETV magazine, Choice, and also a review from Best Sellers Magazine. It is thrilling to have two best sellers at the same time. My BLACK ELK SPEAKS has been a best seller for a year or more.
I am working hard on the second volume of my autobiography.
Many thanks for writing me, and give my kind regards to Mrs. Griffith.
John Neihardt