Lincoln, Nebraska 68505
November 1, 1972
I want to thank you most heartily for your letter of October 16 and for the good things you say about my work. You ask which one of my books I favor and I should say that THE CYCLE OF THE WEST is the most important, but I may also say that the work upon which I was engaged always seemed my most important one at the time. That is why I was working on it, but the completed CYCLE OF THE WEST is, of course, the outstanding work of my life.
You ask if the second volume of my autobiography will be written. I am now at work on it and have done about half of it. It will be very different in character from the boyhood and youth section just published. It will deal with experiences of the adult years and of course will be more objective than the former book.
You ask if the Dick Cavett show is likely to be reproduced. I hardly think so. It was reproduced a year after the first showing. The tape, I understand, has been presented to University of Nebraska Educational Television Library.
The volume that you wanted me to autography has been properly defaced and mailed to you.
I want to say again that I greatly appreciate all that you have said about my work.
John G. Neihardt