Lincoln, Nebraska 68505
December 11, 1972
How dear of you to send me copies of your "Mine Oyster" and the study of the poet Aurobindo. I have read, or have had read to me, several of your "essays and encounters" and of course am delighted with them. As soon as we can catch up a bit more on mail I intend to give more time to the Aurobino book for I suspect from my reading of a volume you sent me several years ago that Aurobindo has something special to say to me, and I am eager to hear it.
We are having considerable excitement over our books. We have had two best sellers at once and another one in sight it seems for January. Also, the United Artists of Hollywood want to make a record of my readings. We will do this sometime in January, and I expect to go to Columbia for the purpose.
How I wish I could make a trip to India and be with you for a while. There is so much to talk about, and the English Department of the University of Missouri did not furnish the right atmosphere for what I have in mind.
We have heard that Katie Kelly's article will appear in the February number of Saturday Review of the Arts. She said that copies would probably be obtainable in late January.
John G. Neihardt