Lincoln, Nebraska 68505
November 1, 1972
I was so glad to hear from you again that I am not waiting a moment to write you and say as much. It is a real joy to read of your successes in your field, and of the important work that you are doing now. Nothing of the sort surprises me for I have long known of you skill in these matters.
You send your kind thougts to Alice, Enid, Hilda, Sigurd and the Youngs. They will be glad to hear from you. But I am sorry to report that old Sig is having a tough time. Some months ago he had a stroke and now he has come down with pneumonia. Enid, too, had a stroke several monts ago but she is coming out of it in great shape.
As for me, things have been going very well indeed. I think you probably know how BLACK ELK SPEAKS has been selling all over the United States and in Europe. We have just received a copy of a British edition published in London, and we have also received a request from the British Broadcasting Company for permission to make an hour program based on the book.
I suppose you know that I am no longer with the University of Missouri. I began teaching at the age of 68 and quit at the age of 85 because of my eyes. My principal course entitled "The Twilight of the Sioux," has continued by TV and is attracting more students than ever. There are 250 now in the class and I am told it would be 500 if there were room for them.
I am working on the second volume of my autobiography and have about one-half of it written. It will be quite different from the first volume which is concerned as you know with boyhood and youth.
Sandy, you never told me about this novelette upon which you have been working for some years. I am greatly interested, as you know I would be, and I'm sure it's a good thing. Do tell me more about it when you have time.
It is the best of news that you are happy in your marriage. Do give my warm regards to the lady.
One of these days I may have occasion — I mean Hilda may have occasion — to write you about the two tapes you have of my stuff. Hilda does all my business, as you probably know.
I have been living here with the Youngs for about four years now and it has become home. I am keeping Sky Rim mostly for Alice to use in her business, and I am making some important improvements on it. I expect to go there now and then for a week or so at a time. Please give my warm regards to John Milton.
— J.G.N.