Hilda L. Lindley Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc. 757 Third Avenue New York, N. Y. 10017
Dear Hilda Lindley:

I want to thank you most heartily for your telegram of congratulations from my friends at Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. I do greatly appreciate it.

I am glad to report that the second volume of my "autobiography" is developing satisfactorily. I must have better than half of it written, and I am at a point where I should be able to proceed more rapidly as I have several chapters written ahead.

We hear such lovely things about the book from all over the country. It must be having fair distribution judging by the letters we receive. There seems to be considerable demand for the second volume, and I am glad to feel that it will be at least as good a book as the first one. I'd say it will be richer than the first.

Next week I will be in Columbia making an album of recitations of my poetry for United Artists. I understand they are bringing a sound truck from Hollywood for the purpose.

With all kind thoughts for you and the others there,

John G. Neihardt