Miss Louise Stegner 1029 South 32nd Street Omaha, Nebraska 68105
Dear Miss Stegner:

It was a real pleasure to hear from you for it is clear to me that we have a great deal in common. To begin with, we have 92 years in common, which is a lot of years. And second, you were a friend of my old friend, J. G. Masters. I remember giving a program of my work to the high school there when Masters was principal, and if you were around there at the time I am sure I must have met you.

It is not impossible that I may be able to meet you sometime during the coming year. On our next trip to Omaha, whenever that is, we will make an effort to see you.

I am at work on the second volume of my autobiography. I take it that you know the first volume.

I note that you spent some years in collecting copies of my work. Do you have any on hand now? If you have any for sale, I should like to have a list with prices. I have friends who are looking for my first editions, and I, myself, pick up firsts when I run across them.

With all kind thoughts,

John G. Neihardt

United Artists have contracted to produce an album of my recitations. I expect to do the recording within a month. They are sending a sound truck from Hollywood to do the job.
