We have been reading your biography aloud, and I want to tell you how fine we think it is. ("We" means Mr. and Mrs. Young, and Mrs. Elmer [Holmes?], who has taken on a part of the job of reading to me. Sometimes the Three read by turns.) Dear Lucile, its such a bully job, and often we remark on how excellent your anaylses are.
How I do hope someone with real vision has the opportunity to read the MS!
I wonder if Dr. Peden is a member of the Press board at Missouri. If so, has he explained my opinion or general attitude towards the book? Oh I am so eager for your book to get a fair break! Let me know anything you hear.
This is Sunday. On Tuesday we go to Columbia to meet the sound truck from Hollywood. You have already heard that the United Artists will make
I'm making progress on the new book. It is to be composed of [high?] "spots" of my experiences only. There is no continuous 1, 2, 3 narration of events. It will all be rich I hope.
"All is But a Beginning" is at the 4th printing — perhaps the 5th by now. Anyway it is doing well, and all readers who will seem hailing over it.
Do you hear or have you heard of the book.
5835 Vine St.
Lincoln, Neb. 68505