Lincoln, Nebraska 68505
January 16, 1973
The beautiful Christmas poinsettia is still giving all of us here much pleasure, and I feel further indebted to you for your kindly thought of me on my ninety-second birthday.
Things are going very well indeed for me. My ALL IS BUT A BEGINNING is finding friends all over the country. Also BLACK ELK SPEAKS continues its success. WHEN THE TREE FLOWERED will appear in the Pocket Book series shortly, and it is expected to do as well at least as the Black Elk book. Barrie and Jenkins of London have brought it out over there.
I am busy at work on the second volume of my so-called autobiography. I must have at least a half of it written and it should go much faster from now on, as I have a number of chapters written ahead. It is fun to re-live some of my experiences.
United Artists is making an album of my public recitations of my poetry. I meet their crew in Columbia next week. I understand they are bringing a sound truck from Hollywood.
I do hope that you and Mrs. Piskor are both well. I have missed your letters since you moved to Canton, but I know you are bound to be exceedingly busy.
Anyway, Frank, bless your heart and believe that the thought of you is a pleasure to me.
John Neihardt