Dear Lucile and Bower:

I've just read about your retirement, Bower, and I congratulate you, and [rejoice?], for I know what a lot of work you have to do. I wish you Good Hunting! And Lucile, [I've seen a nature?], endemically scattered all over the country, about your volume of my letters! I wonder if you have a publisher yet — ?

Busy doings here. United Artists is here with the sound truck, making master tapes of my poetry. We have thus far done 22 poems. It's a big project — 8 or 10 albums. There will be a first edition of 20,000 copies of each album. We finished The Stranger at the Gate yesterday. The plan is to go on with all my work, including all [poems?]!!

They are taking [supplemented?] sounds from the Missouri River already for The River and I. There are Neihardt fans, and really enthusiastic. This issue of 20,000 albums will be great publicity for you too.

Excuse my writing. [I'm not to write at?] all.

I'm coming on with the new book. "All is But a Beginning" is in the 4th printing, maybe the fifth by now. People all over the country really like it When The Tree Flowered is also going to town.

Love to each of you.
