Dr. Jack Marken 319 20 Avenue Brookings, South Dakota 57006
Dear Dr. Marken,

It was very good of you to send me a copy of your bibliography of Indians and Eskimos of North America. I can see at a glance that it is a very valuable book for any one interested in the subject. I intend to do a good deal of listening to it. I have difficulty in reading but I have good friends who read to me and we will explore your book.

You would be interested to know that my WHEN THE TREE FLOWERED sold 115,000 copies in three months. We have the report for only three months and are eager to know how many more have been sold. BLACK ELK SPEAKS is translated into nine foreign languages and is issued in a British edition. We are now about to negotiate for the rights in THE TWILIGHT OF THE SIOUX; the idea I think is to make a television special of it.

You may be sure that we remember with pleasure various times we were guests in your home. These are experiences worth remembering.

With thanks, again, and all kind thoughts to be shared with Mrs. Marken, your friend

John Neihardt

United Artists is bringing out records of my poetry. The first album will be on sale September 16. I understand there may be as many as 12 albums.
