Dear Seymour:—

I have a lecture on "Poetry and its Place in Education" that I gave before the Nebraska State Teachers' Association two years ago. Since then I have read it at a number of colleges and universities of the West. I have had extraordinarily good success with it, and wherever I have given it many have asked where it could be gotten in print. Dr. A. W. Small of Chicago University took it for the American Journal of Sociology over a year ago, but it has not yet appeared, though I am told it will probably be used soon.

It has struck me that the Bookfellows might want to issue it. I supposed that Macmillans would bring it out if I cared to offer it, but the thought of giving it to the Bookfellows is rather pleasing to me. It contains 8,000 words.

Do you see anything in the suggestion?


Jno. Neihardt

I tried to pack into an hour's talk some of the things I have thought about poetry during a quarter of a century of devotion to the subject.

You ask if there's any book on your "list" I want. I am a book-glutton, and I always take them when offered. Make it a copy of your "Adventures etc."