Yes, send me Cheney's poem. I have not felt that he was adequately represented. His shorter pieces, that I threw out, seemed below his level. It will not be necessary to drop one of yours ("that I don't know which they are"). We can drop one of Eleanor Hammond's short ones without doing the lady any injury. I would suggest that the one called "Dew" be dropped.
I was very glad to get the picture of yourself and Mrs. Seymour. I hope you may like me as much as I feel sure I shall like you.
Please let me have both galley and page proofs. I want to see the stuff in galley proofs before I write the Introduction. Would it disappoint you much if there were no introduction?
There are some mighty good things in the collection — better than I expected to find.
I sent you a dollar for Judge Vinsonhaler the other day, and I misspelled him, wihch is a crime. His complete name is Judge Duncan M. Vinsonhaler. He ran away from school in Omaha, where he was an important figure for many years, and bought a place here in the hills. We have had some fine talks together. I'm sorry to say that he intends to return to Omaha this spring.
Jno. N.