Some time ago I wrote you about your excellent story in The Midland, and a few weeks later I sent you a copy of "Two Mothers" I'm wondering if both the letter and the book reached you.
The story got across to me in great shape. A bull idea, and the whole thing worked out lively. Have you a novel in mind? Most novelists even the most distinguished, seem to regard the sexual spasm as the supreme thing in life. It isn't certainly. It's merely incidental in the difficult and glorious business of living on this planet. You would not make life appear so useless; and I want to read a novel by you.
I have been deluged lately with really important books! What an age, in spite of the numerous freaks! I'm glad to be alive, and if I may have as little as 20 more years, I'll manage to be wise enough to die without pitying myself. Dying must be a really wonderful climax when a man knows that he has done something like what he tried to do. I like to think of being lost in the stream at last.
The "Indian Wars" moves on nicely — 800 lines now, and I've never done so well, I think. What material!
As to the "Two Mothers" volume, you'll understand that it was issued by way of preserving stuff written in 1913 and 1911. Also, Macmillans were eager for a new book.
Had a good lecture trip up North in January. Will not go out again until next fall — late September & early October. Some ten or twelve colleges & universities in the Northeast will want me then. I have not heard from the Holladay people since I answered their letter. They might want to arrange a trip to fit in with the engagements beyond the Rockies in the fall.
It's spring here — violets in the fields and peach buds about to burst.
If you were here — what rambles and talks we'd have in these beautiful hills! Some time you'll visit us again. Hasten the day!
Before I end this scrawl I must tell you that House Roll 467 (Nebraska Legislature) has been introduced. This is the bill which makes me "Laureate of Nebraska and The Prairies." I am told that there is likely to be no opposition. One senator [kicks?] "because the bill carries no appropriation". That's beside the point a bit, isn't it? Nebraska can't owe me anything in a dollarable way for being a poet. The most it can owe me is loyalty.
Jno. Neihardt