I'm sorry to have you go to so much trouble in the matter of engagements for me, though I certainly appreciate the kindness. One good one would be quite enough, and it would be fine if that one could be the University of Chicago or Northwestern. I think it would be just as well not to follow up the rather doubtful Milwaukee prospect.
William B. Feakins, Inc. of New York has just sent me a contract whereby that firm will have exclusive management of me for a period of three years, beginning October first. I expect to sign if certain details can be changed in the agreement.
You ask about Stephen Chalmers. I knew some of his prose and like it very much. His "Trail of a Tenderfoot", which appeared some years ago, was very pleasing; and he has some interesting little books of R.L.S. memorabilia. As to his verse, what I have seen of it does not make a strong impression. His contributions to the "Pack" struck me as being rather stuffy. Of course, it is possible that the manuscript you have may be worthy. I hope so.
I am much interested in your vision of the Bookfellow future. Hold fast to the vision, keep your pattern vivid, and things will happen. It is only in that way that visions are realized.
Jno. Neihardt