Dear Mott:—

That was a corkingly good little review of the "Wayfaring", and many thanks for it. I haven't seen the Bookman yet, but shall. The Laureate business has been giving the cycle a lot of publicity from coast to coast. There has been some editorial comment, and it's in the proper vein, so far. The N. Y. World had a serious editorial discussing the constitutionality of the Legislature's action, and implying that its choice was a good one. The S. F. Chronicle praised Nebraska for its idealism and approved the choice, pointing out, at the same time, what a horrible thing it would be for all states to follow Nebraska's lead. "Neihardt lends the post real dignity", it said. There have been many articles, too — features. And the Associated Press sent out two stories — one brief, one somewhat longer.

Feakins did go off at half cock, in my estimation. He should have waited for the circulars, which, by the way, will be rather convincing and sightly. I've been trying to shepherd the Feakins people a bit. They don't seem to understand psychology very well. It's a common lack. Publishers often fail there too. Macmillans have lost lots of chances for effective strategy; and all the good strategy that they have employed has been originated by our crowd and handed to them.

Good luck to you in everything, Mott! I prize you more than I have ever told you.


Jno. N.