Dear Mott:—

I would be glad if you would write Feakins about the Iowa Press and Authors Club. After October first he owns me so far as public appearance are concerned.

It delights me to know that you are at work on a doctor's thesis.

The July number of the Bookman contains a forecast of the August issue, and it seems that the sketch has been shelved for a while. Well, it will do good work when it does appear.

"The Indian Wars" moves on finely — have been getting some really good stuff. Macmillans have just written, urging me to have it for their Fall list! They will have it for 1923. No one can hurry me, and I wouldn't fake for a fortune. Very few of those who are now writing verse in America will get across the divide between generations. They write with too much facility. Words, to them, are not precious. Already I see a tendency of the literary to turn against certain contemporary gods. It's the long, lean stride that counts. We have many quarter horses. In the meanwhile, the interest in the cycle grows steadily and much more rapidly than I had hoped.

Didn't I write you about the ceremony in Lincoln?

With every good wish,

Jno. Niehardt