Dear Seymour:-

Of course I'll serve on the Advisory Board if it will do you any good for me to do so. And this is my acceptance of the honor. (You will not read this at the Feast)

The Chicago High School Teachers' Club wanted me on my last trip, but I couldn't get there on time. So I passed through Chicago in the night going like a comet, except while I was in that gorgeous Union Station of yours. Was out four weeks, then a spell, then a part of a week. Have a call for Chicago March 26th, and I'll not go out again until the end of April.

Making bully progress with the Song of the Indian Wars.

When I lectured at Carleton College, Northfield, a residence fellowship was offered me. I made no direct reply, not knowing whether I cared about it or not. A dispatch to the Omaha Bee started things booming in Nebraska, and for three weeks the papers all over the state have been demanding that the University Regents "save Neihardt for Nebraska". also, many organizations passing resolutions! It looks as though I'd nearly be compelled to go to Lincoln to live. It's a great hullabaloo, and lots of fun.

This isn't for publication - just a bit of gossip for you.

Good luck in everything!


Jno. Neihardt, the Doctor.