Dear Seymours:-

I reached home ten days ago pretty much the worse for wear, and am only now getting acquainted with myself again. Now that I am no longer somebody else, I hasten to express my appreciation of your kindness to me. It was fine to meet you, though I regret that i was almost knocked out before I reached your home. I had a good time with my audience all along the line and found many friends whom I did not know. While in New York I signed a contract with MacMillans for THE SONG OF THE INDIAN WARS and we agreed that Allen True is to do the cover design and end sheets for the book. I told them about your experience in searching for my books in Chicago, and I think something will be done about it.

Mrs. Neihardt has just asked me to say that she would be very grateful if you could give us the address of some Chicago firm that handles French clay. She has both the time and inclination to work now, and we are all very eager to see her sculpingsculpting again.

I'm off for the Coast the end of this month. Now I wish I could stay at home and work on the WARS!

With every kind thought for both of you,


Jno. G. Neihardt