How Kola! — It is too long since I have greeted you. A letter has been on my mind & your address on my work table since October. Surgery for myself & three deaths in the family have delayed me. Even now there is not time for the type of letter I would prefer to send, but, I can not let the holiday season
I have had reports of your activities up to July 1970 — through "The Foundation", Herman Chilson, and news chips sent by friends in South Dakota etc. Of course — your current book — is still being looked foreward to with patience
At long last — Leonard Jennewein's daughter has completed a through survey of her fathers notes and tapes and has reported to me — unfortunately the result as far as
we are concerned is negativeSo, we ^still do not know what he wanted to tell me about the printings and Murthly Castle in Scotland (you may recall I sent you pictures of the paintings — which were taken by Jennewin — they appear to be Miller's painted for Sir Wm Durmond Stewart)
Two more Neihardt's added to my library — at last "When the Tree Flowered"; also "The Splendid Wayfaring"