Dear. Dr. Neihardt, Mr. &Mrs. Young,

Thank you for writing and telling me about the Dick Cavett special. If you find out exactly when it will be, please let me know. Cavett's show comes on here in St. Louis at midnight, so it would be very hard for me to watch every night for the special. Some of the people in my course on Indians mentioned that Cavett said that he would be having a program with one of the most interesting people he has ever met. I'm really looking forward to it.

I hope that you have heard from John Collier Jr. by now.

I'm sure that he has gotten my letter.

Almost everyone in my Indians class has already read Black Elk on their own, but none of them have heard of When the Tree Flowered. Needless to say, I have recommended it to them.

I was just thinking...... if you don't hear from Collier soon you could try reaching him care of the Field Musuem of Natural History, of Chicago. If he isn't there I'm sure they will forward your message to him. As far as I know, he's still there as Curator of Ethnology or something similar to that.

I hope this letter finds all of you in good health and in peace.


Jim Libensky
ans. 3/15/71