Dr. John G. Neihardt
c/o Nebraska State Historical Society
Lincoln, Nebraska 68509
Dear Dr. Neihardt,

Many lives are richer becasue of your appearance on the Dick Cavett Show, April 27th.

Being a product of the Nebraska Sand Hills, I was returned to my own lost yesterdays.

I purchased 'Black Elk Speaks' on the following morning and devoured it immediately. It now rests on my shelf beside Maria Sandoz, Willa Cather and Loren Eisley. Your other works will soon join them.

This brief encounter with John Neihardt has recalled the fragrance of wild roses and the tastes of choke, sand & ground cherries. I used to eat the bulb of a small, lavendar flower. It has a nut-like quality and a taste somewhat like a potato. Could this have been the 'turnip' of the Plains Indian?

As a boy, I spent many hours picking arrowheads from a sandy lakebed on the ranch. I tried to imagine that departed culture that had camped on that departed lake. Your book has made them live, again for me

As a guilt-ridden Wasichu, I thank you for your great efforts to preserve something of that once strong and beautiful race of men.


James H. Mitchell 8010 Newton Drive Felton, CA 95018