Lincoln, Nebraska
March 15, 1967
Our letters seem to have the habit of passing each other in the mail. Your first one written Saturday came yesterday and the second one today. I note in the later one that you plan to arrive in Lincoln at 8:16pm-April 1st. This will be O.K. here, but we had hoped you could come Friday p.m. as you had suggested in the earlier letter. If you arrive at 8:16pm. Saturday we'll plan a simple evening here — just among us "Forks-of-the-Granders."
The plans for Sunday are taking shape in great manner — a sort of Heritage Sunday theme, and we think the morning service and the noon "picnic lunch" in the Education Building serving room will be notable events — well attended and "folksy". I'm sure the details will be sent to you by Rev. Arthur Ernst soon. The Monday event with the Retired Teachers is looming big too.
After receiving your letter today I phoned Mrs. Nichol about the autograph party plans and she will write you soon. My feeling is that Tuesday p.m. will be designated if you can stay over to at least Wednesday, the 5th Monday pm. probably would be too much crowded into one day for you.
Of course, we want to have plenty of time to do things with historical and memory items at our home and elsewhere, such as the Historical Society. We want at least one evening for an "open house" again and we'll gladly take you to see anyone desired, such as the Sealocks — yes, I remember him well.
Again, we both want to extend our welcome to you, and any who may accompany you, to our home. We hope you can come Friday March 31st and stay several days. We have to be in Lyons (Nebr.) by the evening of April 7th (Friday), but before that our time and facilities are all yours.
Julius D. Young
Ps. Hope your eye is ok. again JDY