Lincoln, Nebr. 68505
April 6, 1967
You have been gone just one day; we have missed your delightful presence already, and we think of "dozens" of items of interest we did not have time to enjoy with you — so you must plan to return! What a whirlwind finish the last day was, and all of the time was filled since last Friday with so much pleasure. We hope you arrived home safely, and that this trip to our centennial state was not too wearing on you.
People have expressed to us as many kind thoughts about you and much appreciation concerning all that you did. The admiration is from old and young. Your physical and mental stamina and endurance amazes everyone — and at 86!! The Warren Methodist Church people regard this event as the greatest in their history. We hope all of your "trophies" carried O.K. in your travel case. Myrtle tried to pack them well. She had to do it in such a hurry.
No doubt you will receive a letter from an official of the Retired Teachers Assn. soon. They loved your performance, even if the news papers failed on it. The editorial you liked was written by Kathryn Duerfeldt Asst City Editor of the Journal. She promised to send marked copies to your two newspapers. I'm enclosing a few clippings etc.
Julius D. Young