Dear Gaki:

We received your two letters today written the 19th and 20th and have noted the news about the books, the autobiography and the January trips to K.C. and to Lincoln.

First, we are hoping you will spend as much time with as you wish and especially we want to help in any way to implement any programs or conferences you may have a part in. You just come as soon as you can and stay as long as you like — and we'll be happy.

The autobiography could really take shape while you are here. Rem^ember Art Ernst offered his services as typist, when we visited him last time you were here. The Youngs offer a good, warm "study" — with all good wishes and enthusiasm for the project. So come!

We don't know how your trip to K.C. will fit into your Lincoln "sojourn", but ^could the man from K.C. come here for you and return you here?

We seem to recall that he was planning to fly for you in his own plane, — right? Have you had any more word from Wayne?

Myrtle will add a sheet to this. Season's Greetings to all the Skyrim folks.

As ever

J. D. Young