Dear John:
I'm matching your irrepressible optimism with a letter to Gladys Saylee Gordon Paisley, as you see. If that Bible is extant, we must get it!
Any news on the original MS of The Splendid Wayfaring? We are eager as a beaver about that, too.
Yes, indeed, we do want that Millie MS. It really belongs in our Jed Smithiana repository, no es verdad? I'll enclose a label which brings a postal rate of 4 ¢ for the first pound, and 1 ¢ for additional pounds. Also, here's an advance program of our annual Institute. Wish you could come!
Leland D. Case
Theme: Ethnic Contribution to California History and Culture
Friday, March 17
8:00 THE WESTERNERS FOUNDATION Breakfast and Business Meeting At: Anderson Dining Hall Presiding: Philip A. Danielson, Director
8:30 INSTITUTE REGISTRATION (continuing till 6:00 p. m.) Registrar: Mrs. Helen Harney At: Gold Room, Anderson Social Hall (fee $2.00)
9:00 CALIFORNIA HISTORY FOUNDATION, Board of Sponsors' Annual Meeting At: Stuart Library of Western Americana (Irving Martin Library Building) Presiding: Dr. Robert E. Burns, President of the Foundation and the University of the Pacific "Twenty Years of Cooperation:" Dr. Malcolm H. Moule, Chairman of Department of History, University of the Pacific "Over My Shoulder:" Mr. R.R. Stuart, Former Director of the California History Foundation Reports of Committees
10:00 CONFERENCE OF CALIFORNIA HISTORICAL SOCIETIES, Board of Directors' Spring Meeting. At Regents' Room, Burns Tower Presiding: President Edwin Gledhill, of Santa Barbara
12:00 INSTITUTE KEYNOTE LUNCHEON ($2.00) At: President's Dining Room, Anderson Hall Presiding: Dr. R. Coke Wood, Executive Secretary of the Conference of California Historical Societies InvocationL Dr. Lawrence Meredith, Chaplain of the University of the Pacific
1:00 Address: "Twenty Years at Work on a Foundation" President Robert E. Burns, Founder of the California History Foundation
1:30 Memorial Resolution of the California State Senate honoring the late Dr. Rockwell D. Hunt, first Director of the California History Institute,
Presented by Senator Alan Short of Stockton, and Mr. Hal Altman of Sacramento, Regional Vice President of the Conference of California Historical Societies
2:30 SPECIAL INSTITUTE SESSION: Indian Arts and Crafts
At: Pioneer Historical Museum and Haggin Art Galleries, Pershing Avenue at Victory Park
Presiding: Mrs. Janet Goodrum, of Sacramento, Curator of the Dunlap Foundation's Indian Collections
Address: "Welcome Amerinds and Other Americans"
Director Stephen B. Gyermek of the Haggin Art Galleries
Address: "We, The Indians of California"
Mrs. Marie Potts, antive Maidu, Instructor in Basketry at Sacramento State College
"California Indian Dances"
Troupe under direction of Mr. Jack Dyson of the California State Department of Beaches and Parks
"Thirty-One Portraits of American Indians"
Special showing of watercolors by Joseph Scheuerle through courtesy of Mrs. Joseph Scheuerle and Mrs. W. J. Grierson
3:30 Conducted Tour of Haggin Galleries--including the Indian Arts and Crafts Exhibit
4:00 Reception and Tea--Courtesy of Junior Women's Group of the San Joaquin Pioneer and Historical Society, the Board Trustees, and the President, Mrs. Erma c. Robinson
(Venison roast - $3.50)
At: Callison College Dining Hall
Presiding: Dr. Robert E. Burns, President of the University of the Pacific and of the California History Foundation
Invocation: Reverand John McGloin, S.J.
Address: "Singing Across the Land"
Mr. Sam Hinton, Assistant Director of Office of Relations with Schools, University of California at San Diego. (Self-accompanied on guitar and harmonica.)
Book and Print Auction (Proceeds to California History Found-ation)
Conducted by Mr. Michael Canlis, Sheriff of San Joaquin County, and Mr. Hugh Hayes, both "Cowpoles" of the Stock-ton Corral of the Westerners.
Saturday, March 18
7:30 INSTITUTE REGISTRATION (continuing till noon)
At: Callison College Dining Hall
Presiding: Hon. Warren H. Atherton, former National Commander of American Legion, President of the Jedediah Smith Society
Invocation: Dr. Larry Jackson, Provost of Callison College, of the University of the Pacific
Address: "On the Biographical Trail of Jedediah Smith."
Dale L. Morgan, Honorary Life Member of the Jedediah Smith Society, author of Jedediah Smith and the Opening of the West, Research Associate of Bancroft Library, University of California at Berkeley
Business Meeting: Election of officers and announcements con-cerning the Tenth Annual Fall Rendezvous at Micke's Grove Stockton, October 7, 196 [?]
At: Anderson Lecture Hall
Presiding Herbert D. Gwinn, of Sacramento, Consultant in Secondary Education (Social Sciences), California State Department of Education
Address: "California - A Mosaic of Cultures"
Dr. Hector H. Lee, Executive Vice President of the California Folklore Society and Dean of the College, Son-oma State College
10:00 Intermission for coffee break and examination of exhibits
10:30 Simultaneous Symposia: "Eddies in the Main Stream," (ten minute presentations by each panelist, followed by discussion; rooms to be posted.)
I. Armenian, East Indian, Jew, and Negro
Moderator: Dr. Berndt L. Kolker, Provost of Raymond College, University of the Pacific
Panelists: mr. Ara Zovickian, District Manager of the U.S. Social Security Office, Stockton.
Dr. Harold S. Jacoby, Professor of Sociology and Dean of the College of the Pacific
Dr. Bernard Rosenberg, Rabbi of Temple Israel, Stockton
Mr. William Dobson, Attorney, member of the Stockton Unified School District Board
II. Italian, Mexican, Portugese, and Spanish
Moderator: Dr. Arthur J. Cullen, Provost of Elbert Covell College of the University of the Pacific Panelists: Mr. Bruno Dentino, of Stockton, Engineer in the California State Division of Highways
Mr. Carlos Esqueda, of Stockton, Principal of Taylor School and member of the Board of the California Teachers' Association
Professor August Mark Vaz, Instructor in San Leandro High School, author of The Portugese in America
Dr. Walter A. Payne, Director of Graduate Program in Inter-American Studies, University of the Pacific
III. Chinese, Filipino, Hawaiian, and Japanese
Moderator: Mrs. Fay Goleman, Professor of Socio-logy, University of the Pacific
Panelists: Reverend Vilbur Choy, Pastor of Oak Park Methodist Church of Sacramento and Chaplain of the California State Senate
Mr. Jose Alba, President of the Filipino Community of Stockton
Mr. Charles W. Kenn, of Honolulu, native Hawaiian and historian
Mr. Henry Taketa, of Sacramento, attorney
IV. Basque, English, French, and German
Moderator: Dr. Georges De Bone, Professor of the Humanities, Raymond College, University of the Pacific
Panelists: Mr. Louis Arbios, of Stockton, attorney, Secretary-Treasurer of the Central Valley Wool Growers Association
Mr. Don Inch Segerstrom, of Sonora, collector of "Cousin Jack" lore, former publisher of Union Demo-crat, mining corporation executive
Mme. Marcel Coudeyre, of Stockton, Instructor in French at Stagg High School
Mr. Fred Bitterman, Executive Vice president of San Joaquin First Federal Savings and Loan Association and former Mayor of Stockton
At: Callison College Dining Hall
Presiding: Mr. Ted Baum, of Fresno, President of the Board of Regents of the University of the Pacific
Invocation: Reverend Henry Praed, of San Leandro, former Canon of Grace Cathedral, San Francisco
Introduction of New Officers
California History Foundation
Conference of California Historical Societies
Jedediah Smith Society
The Westerners Foundation
The First Pacific Awards for Best Western Historical Fiction for Children, a project of the Westerners Foundation
Dr. Dewey W. Chambers, Professor of Education, University of the Pacific
Address: "California's Forgotten Man - the Native Yankee American"
Mr. John Gilchriese, of Tuson, Field Historian of the University of Arizona