Lincoln, Nebr. 68505
April 19, 1968
The enclosed letter from Mr. and Mrs. Willison came today, and we hope by sending it to you yet by airmail that it may reach you by Saturday, or at least by Monday. We will write you again tomorrow (Saturday) and that will be all that could reach you before your return to Lincoln next Tuesday. We hope you have a pleasant and safe flight, and are wondering if some one will take ^you to Kansas City or if you plan to fly all the way. We are looking forward to a visit here by some of your family while you are with us again.
We are having a few welcome easy showers the last 3 days, and we do appreciate the "aqua" — it was such a rare substance these days. Yesterday I scattered a whole truck load of excellent, well-rotted cow manure on our flower beds, asparagus, rhubarb and roses, and the rain is now soaking it into the ground. I got the precious stuff from a farmer friend just east of town. I plan to get more when the ground dries up again.
I wonder if you got the souvenir reprint issue of "Nebraska History" from our State Historical Society. Ours came today and is a reprint of Vol. 1 No. 1 Feb. 1918, very interesting has a story about the Leavenworth Campaign of Aug. 1823 inside.
The format is 10 1/2 X 3 1/2 inches and consists of 8 pages. I hope you got a copy, but if not I'll share ours with you when you come "home". After reading about the Ree fight I consulted the large book by L. Jennewein and Jane Boorman, Dakota Panorama, and found much of interest in it too. I gave you a copy of that book about a year ago, you probably remember when.
In looking through it I found a pciture and short paragraph about our Hugh Glass marker (pages 52-53), but the story of its erection etc. was not mentioned. I had forgotten that it was in the book at all. I'll show it to you when you come.
Myrtle had a very disheartening call from Norma Kidd Green today. She has had discouraging news again relative to her book's publication.
We'll tell you more about it next week.
Counting the days!