We are enclosing xerox copies of three teacher's contracts found in your collection. If these are not the ones you are interested in, please let us know and we will look further.
Nancy C Prewitt
(Mrs.) Nancy C. Prewitt
This Agreement, Entered into this 26th day of November 1898 between School District No. 77, of Wayne County, Nebraska, and John G. Neihardt a qualified teacher of said County.
Witnesseth, that the said John G. Neihardt agrees to teach the school of said District in a faithful and efficient manner of the term of four (4) months, Commencing on the first [8th?] day of December, 1898, and agrees to keep himself qualified, and agrees in all things to observe the rules and regulations of the District Board.
In Consideration, whereof, said School District agrees to pay said teacher the sum of $ thirty ($30) per month for said services, and agrees to keep the school house in good repair, to provide the necessary fuel and supplies and to furnish janitor work.
Provided, That in case said John G. Neihardt shall be discharged for sufficient cause by the District Board, or shall have certificate annulled, he shall not be entitled to any compensation from and after such dismissal or annulment.
In witness whereof, We have hereunto subscribed our names this 26th day of
De November, A.D. 1898.
A A. Bell Director
John G. Neihardt Teacher.
[P.C.?] Schroeder Moderator.
[?] Treasurer.
[N.B.-All contracts should be made in duplicate, one for the School District, and one for the Teacher.]
This Agreement, Entered into this 18th day of August 1899 between School District. Vo. 55 of Wayne County, Nebraska, and John G. Neihardt, a qualified teacher of said county.
Witnesseth, That the said John G Neihardt agrees to teach the school of said District in a faithful and efficient manner for the term of two months, commencing on the 28th day of August, 1899, and agrees to keep himself qualified, and agrees in all things to observe the rules and regulations of the District Board.
In Consideration, whereof, said School District agrees to pay said teacher the sum of $30.00 per month for said services, and agrees to keep the school house in good repair, to provide the necessary fuel and supplies, and to furnish janitor work.
Provided, That in case said Teacher shall be discharged for sufficient cause by the District Board, or shall have his certificate annulled, he shall not be entitled to any compensation from and after such dismissal or annulment.
In Witness Whereof We have hereunto subscribed our names this 18th day of August, A.D., 1899.
Approved: Peter Jensen Moderator.
Joseph [Dobbirn?] Treasurer.
J Garwood Director.
John G. Neihardt Teacher.
B. -All contracts should be made in duplicate, one for the School District and one for the Teacher.
This Agreement, Entered into this Twentieth day of Oct, 20th, 1899 between School District No. 55, of Wayne County, Nebraska, and JG Neihardt, a qualified teacher of said County.
Witnesseth, That the said J G Neihardt agrees to teach the school of said District in a faithful and efficient manner for the term of Four months, Commencing on the First Mon. day of Dec., 1899, and agrees to keep himself qualified, and agrees in all things to observe the rules and regulations of the District Board.
In Consideration whereof, said School District agrees to pay said teacher the
sum of $35.00 per month for said services, and agrees to keep the school house in good repair, to provide the necessary fuel and supplies and to furnish janitor work.
Provided, that in case said J G Neihardt shall be discharged for sufficient cause by the District Board, or shall have his certificate annulled, he-shall not be entitled to any compensation from and after such dismissal or annulment.
In witness whereof, We have hereunto subscribed our names this 20th day of Oct., A.D. 1899.
J Garwood. Director.
J.G. Neihardt Teacher.
Approved { Peter Jensen Moderator Joseph [Dobbirn?] Treasurer.
[N.B.-All contracts should be made in duplicate, one for the School District, and one for the Teacher.]