Another student and I are currently engaged in a research project concerning the attitudes of a selected group of the most significant creative people of our time. We are graduate students doing research for our Master's Degree and would greatly appreciate your completing and returning to us the enclosed questionnaire. The questionnaire will only require about ten minutes of your time. For your convenience, we have enclosed a stamped self-addressed envelope.
This questionnaire is not a psychological or personality inventory, and your response will be guaranteed complete anonymity. However, in order to enable us to send out follow-up letters to those who do not respond, we have coded the return envelope. This code number will be obliterated before the envelope is opened, thus assuring you of remaining anonymous.
Because we have selected a small number of people who have achieved the recognition for their creative works, we are depending on your response. We would appreciate receiving your questionnaire within the next three weeks. We realize that your time is extremely valuable and want to thank you very much for your cooperation.
Sheila Sharpe
(Mrs.) Sheila Sharpe