At the suggestion of one of my editors I am undertaking a book about Susette La Flesche ( Bright Eyes), and I have already done considerable research on the subject. In my recent trip to Macy in August it was suggested to me that you had a close relationship with the Tibbles family in Bancroft, that you were in fact in the home when Susette died. I wonder if you have personal data and reminiscences which would be of value to me in continuing this research.
Just to introduce myself: I have written many books in the religious field, biblical novels, and seven biographies, several of them concering doctors and others who have worked in India. My most recent book is LONE WOMAN, the story of Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell, published by Little, Brown and appearing in the present fall issue of Reader's Digest Condensed Books. While this is a new area of research for me, the Omaha Indians, I enjoy doing intensive work of this kind, and I hope I can do the subject justice.
During my research I have been reading with great interest your CYCLE OF THE WEST and BLACK ELK SPEAKS and find them both fascinating and informative. Also Mrs. Rosalie Boughn took me to your home and garden in Bancroft when I was there in August, and it was a most enjoyable and inspirational visit.
I plan to come to Lincoln the 12th of October to continue research at the Nebraska Historical Society, to be there about two weeks. If you feel that it would be valuable to me and would be willing to cooperate, I could arrange to come for an interview. Or if you have information which could be shared through correspondence or a tape recording, preferably the latter, I would be most grateful.
(Mrs.) Dorothy C. Wilson