In the early Twenties, when I was at work on my Song of the Indian Wars, I became well acquainted with Major H. R. Lemly. He was Crook's adjutant in the Sioux campaign of '76 and '77. He helped me greatly in collecting the facts I needed for my work. Incidentally, he was present at the death of Crazy Horse, having been in command of the cordon of troops surrounding the adjutant's office where Crazy Horse was dying.
There was at the time a distinguished order called The Order of Indian Wars of the United States. The Order was composed of commissioned officers who had fought Indians on the Plains. Lemly wanted to have me made a member of the Order, but, according to the constitution of the Order, I was not eligible; so Major Lemly circulated a petition among the members of the Order urging an ammendment of the constitution to admit civilians, that I might become a member. This petition was signed by all the old celebrated Indian fighters then living, beginning with the commander of the Order, General Nelson A. Miles. The petition accomplished its purpose. The constitution was ammended, and I was taken in as the first civilian member of that Order. After me, George Bird Grinnell and E. A. Brininstool were admitted. The Order met more or less regularly in the Army and Navy Club. I made a trip down there to receive my membership, and I actually saw fifteen or twenty old men whom I had known by reputation as great Indian fighters.
Now here is the sad part of my story, and my reason for dictating this: That petition was given to me after the constitution was ammended, and I prized it greatly; but it has been lost for a number of years. I am wondering if Colonel Reed could suggest how I might find the archives of that Order, which presumably would contain an account of my election, and the petition. With this in mind, it should be known that the Order, which was hereditary, simply faded out some time in the Thirties because all of the old men were dead and their sons didn't care about the Order. The Order was taken over by an organization called the Military Institute and I became a member of that institute automatically, but I have no knowledge of the organization and haven't a notion how to locate it. Can Colonel Reed help? It would certainly give me great joy to find that petition or a record of it.
John G. Neihardt