Letter to Ben Black Elk
5835 Vine Street Lincoln, Nebraska 68505
Dear Brother Friend,

It was very good to hear from you and it gave me something of the old time feeling when we were together — and a whole lot younger than we are now.

But, Ben, I am awfully sorry to hear of your tough luck. It seems to me you have had more piled on top of you than a good man should have to bear. I wish truely that I were well to do financially but I am not, and I have to think about looking after an old man with whom I am well acquainted. You will find a token of my affection herewith. Please realize that I am sorry that it is not a great deal more.

Do you ever hear Dick Cavett? He interviewed me for four hours recently and on April 27 he will devote his show to me and my work. I hope you can see it.

I greatly appreciate what you say about learning from your daddy and me. I can only add that you were a very good student.

It saddens me to think that you are compelled to go on without that dear wife of yours. She certainly was a fine person and you were a lucky man to know her.

Please feel genuine affection in this letter.

Your brother friend,

John G. Neihardt