5835 Vine Street Lincoln, Nebraska 68505 Mr. Terrence O'Neill 521 N. Central St. Louis, Missouri 63130
Dear Terry:

That was a beautiful letter you wrote to me and I shall keep it with other letters that I prize. I am naturally delighted to know that you enjoyed my THE RIVER AND I. You ask about my autobiography upon which I was working when we last met. You will be interested to know that Harcourt Brace Jovanovich of New York will bring it out on September 20. The title is ALL IS BUT A BEGINNING.

I am wondering if you have run across the Pocket Books edition of BLACK ELK SPEAKS. It was placed on the market in April and by the first week of May it had sold 250,000 copies.

Did you see the Dick Cavett show Monday night?

Many thanks for the beautiful picture of the Niobrara Valley. I love all of that country up there. For several years two of my daughters and I spent much time camping up there.

I am now working on the adult section of my autobiography which should be ready in less than a year.

I am trying to keep pace with my mail and that will explain the telegraphic nature of this letter. Write me again. You do write a beautiful letter.

With kind thoughts,

John G. Neihardt