May 20, "27.
My dear Miss Jacobsen:
Of course I am glad to copy the poem for your brother, Paul Jacobsen, since it seems to have been
written for him. It is to be found in my COLLECTED POEMS, published by the Macmillan Company last
Once more the northbound Wonder
Brings back the goose and crane,
Prophetic Sons of Thunder,
Apostles of the Rain.
In many a battling river
The broken gorges boom.
Behold, the Mighty Giver
Emerges from the tomb!
Now robins chant the story
Of how the wintry sward
Is Iitten with the glory
Of the Angel of the Lord.
His countenance is lightning
And still His robe is snow,
As when the dawn was brightening
Two thousand years ago.
O who can be a stanger
To what has come to pass?
The pity of the Manger
Is mighty in the grass!
Undaunted by Decembers
The sap is faithful yet.
The giving Earth remembers
And only men forget.
Jno. G. Neihardt
Lincoln Star 6-18-'73 P.C.
Tekamah - Dr. Paul S. Jacobsen, professor emeritus of political science at Colgate University in
Hamilton, N.Y. and a native of Tekamah, was awarded an honorary degree of laws from Colgate at
commencement exercises. He received his master's degree from Colgate in 1927 and served as a member
of the faculty for 37 years.